Blood Lactate as a Predictor of Pediatric Mortality

Blood lactate levels are useful indicators of mortality in pediatric ICU patients

In this study, Yolbaş  et al. aim to establish the connection between the levels of blood lactate and the mortality rate of critically ill children admitted to the ICU of a Turkish hospital. A total of 298 cases admitted to the ICU in 2007 were studied. Both the first measured blood lactate level and the […]

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Blood Lactate as a Predictor of Pediatric Mortality

Los niveles de lactato en sangre son indicadores útiles de la mortalidad en pacientes pediátricos en UCI

En este estudio, Yolbaş y Col. tienen como objetivo establecer la conexión entre los niveles de lactato en sangre y la tasa de mortalidad de niñ@s en estado crítico ingresados en la UCI de un hospital turco. Se estudiaron un total de 298 casos de pacientes ingresados en la UCI en 2007. El primer nivel […]

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Lactate Scout Assistant Software

Lactate Scout 4: Lactate Scout Assistant Software

The Lactate Scout 4, in its Start and Field Case formats, includes the Lactate Scout Assistant software, a simple software that allows for the data stored by the Lactate Scout 4 to be captured and processed. The new Lactate Scout 4 analyser includes a Bluetooth chip that enables you to transmit the data stored in […]