In this article, written in English by Marik y R Bellomo, the authors conclude that an elevated lactate concentration in patients with sepsis is a marker of disease severity and not an indication of anaerobic metabolism. The abstract of this article can be found at, where a link will enable you to read the […]
Blood Lactate Levels Are Superior to Oxygen-Derived Variables in Predicting Outcome in Human Septic Shock
We are pleased to introduce this article, written in English by Jan Bakker, Michel Coffernils, Marc Leon, Philippe Gris and Jean-Louis Vincent. In this study, the authors examined measurements of cardiac output, oxygen-derived variables, and blood lactate levels in 48 patients with documented septic shock. The abstract of this article can be found at, […]
Lactate Revisited – Is Lactate Monitoring Beneficial for ICU Patients?
We are pleased to introduce the abstract of this review, written in English by TC Jansen. By referring to two recent multi-centre randomized controlled trials, this review provides an update on the clinical benefit of lactate-guided resuscitation in critically ill patients The authors delve into this issue in the abstract of the article, which can […]
Lactate – A Marker for Sepsis and Trauma
This article, written in English by Andra L. Blomkalns, aims to familiarize the emergency physician with lactate and its potential use the emergency department. The introduction of this article is available at, where we include a link to access the original article.
Prognostic Value of Incremental Lactate Elevations in Emergency Department Patients With Suspected Infection
The following article, written in English by Michael A. Puskarich, Jeffrey A. Kline, Richard L. Summers, and Alan E. Jones, sought to evaluate the association between blood lactate concentrations along an incremental continuum up to a maximum value of 20 mmol ⁄ L, and mortality. The abstract of this article is available at, where […]