Aravind Chander, Seetha Panicker and Reshma Shri completed this review with the findings of a prospective study conducted at an Indian hospital from September 2012 to August 2013. The study group consisted of low risk pregnant women at term who entered into active labour either spontaneously or by induction. This study was completed in order to ascertain the association between intrapartum amniotic fluid lactate level and labour outcome.
Amniotic fluid was collected after breaking the waters, and lactate level was measured. Chi square test was used to find correlation between lactate level and duration of labour, mode of delivery and Apgar score.
The results of this study showed that the lactate levels taken from the amniotic fluid had a better correlation with the duration of labour and the Apgar score. The lower the amniotic fluid lactate level, the better is the Apgar at birth.
This article was published in 2017 by International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology (IJRCOG) 2017 Feb;6(2):620-625
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To find the association between intrapartum amniotic fluid lactate level and labour outcome