Use Of Blood Lactate Measurements For Prediction Of Exercise Performance And For Control Of Training. Recommendations For Long-Distance Running
We are pleased to display this article, written in English by L. Véronique Billat, where the autor talks about the definition of the blood lactate level, the use of blood lactate measurements according to distance events, the influence of models of exercise on blood lactate measurements, the age and sex effect on blood lactate measurements and the specificity of sports and blood lactate use for training.
For further information, please click on https://www.laktate.com/en/information/lactate-in-the-sports-field/use-of-blood-lactate-measurements-for-prediction-of-exercise-performance-and-for-control-of-training-recommendations-for-long-distance-running/, where we include a link to access the original article, written in English.