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Un Aclaramiento de Lactato de dos horas predice un resultado negativo en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiorrespiratoria

Two-Hour Lactate Clearance Predicts Negative Outcome In Patients With Cardiorespiratory Insufficiency

Scott et al., in this article written in English, evaluated a 2-hour lactate clearance as a prognostic marker in acute cardiorespiratory insufficiency. The estudy was carried out at an Emergency Department and a High Dependency Unit, and the logistic regression and ROC curves found that a 2-hour lactate clearance <15% was a strong predictor of […]

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Blood Lactate Measurements and Analysis during Exercise: A Guide for Clinicians

Blood Lactate Measurements And Analysis During Exercise: A Guide For Clinicians

In this article, written in English in 2007, Goodwin et al. analyze the blood lactate concentration during exercise, and find advantageous for doctors to have a thorough understanding of blood lactate concentration responses, blood lactate concentration transport and distribution and blood lactate concentration analysis. The summary of this article can be found on Here, […]

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Intracellular Shuttle: The Lactate Aerobic Metabolism

Fundamental Aspects of the Anaerobic Threshold

We are pleased to present this article written in Spanish by Santos José V. Subiela D., where the author examines the concept of the anaerobic threshold, its evolution, the factors that influence in this concept and the methods to establish it. You can find the abstract of this article in the section called Information (, […]

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En Laktate consideramos de gran importancia los estudios y artículos académicos relacionados con el lactato, y queremos compartir la información disponible a ese respecto. Con este fin, hemos creado la sección Información, donde iremos añadiendo información relacionada con aquellos artículos que consideramos de mayor interés.

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At Laktate we consider of great importance the studies and academic papers related to lactate, and we want to share the information available in this regard. For this purpose, we have created a section called Information, where we will be adding information relating to the issues we deem of interest.