This study, carried out by Pan et al. and published in January 2019 by Medicine, involves a meta-analysis of different articles published between 1976 and February 2018, which aims to evaluate the effect of early therapy guided by lactate clearance as a potentially more effective resuscitation objective. Recent studies suggest that lactate normalisation during resuscitation […]
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La terapia temprana guiada por el aclaramiento de lactato es más efectiva que la terapia guiada por ScvO2 en pacientes con Sepsis
Este estudio, llevado a cabo por Pan y Col. y publicado en enero del 2019 por Medicine, supone un metaanálisis de diferentes artículos publicados entre 1976 y febrero del 2018, para evaluar el efecto de la terapia temprana guiada por el aclaramiento de lactato como un objetivo de reanimación potencialmente más efectivo. Estudios recientes sugieren […]
Differential Feature of Lactate Scout 4: Connectivity with Heart Rate Transmitter
The German company EKF Diagnostics has just launched the new lactate analyser Lactate Scout 4, which provides reliable results in just 10 seconds with a sample of 0.2 microliters of blood. One of the innovations of this analyser is that it incorporates a Bluetooth chip Bluegiga version 4.1 (low energy). The most significant update of […]
Característica Diferencial del Lactate Scout 4: Conectividad con Transmisor de Frecuencia Cardiaca
La empresa alemana EKF Diagnostics acaba de lanzar al mercado el nuevo analizador de Lactato Lactate Scout 4, que con una muestra de 0,2 microlitros de sangre, proporciona resultados fiables en tan solo 10 segundos. Una de las novedades de este analizador es que incorpora un chip Bluetooth Bluegiga versión 4.1 (baja energía). La novedad […]
Our New Online Store of Hemoglobin Analysers,, Is Now Open
We are pleased to present our new online store where we offer the most effective and advanced hemoglobin analysers in the market: We currently offer two hemoglobin analysers from the German brand EKF: DiaSpect TM and Hemo Control. Both analysers offer reliable hemoglobin results in just a few seconds, making them the ideal complement […]